Monday, August 25, 2014

Be a Product of your MLM Product

Become a product of your product. How many of us heard this line preached to us in our MLM business by leaders in the industry.

I have heard this many years ago and you know what it is still relevant today if you want to find success with your business.

In this short video I break down what this means and why it is still relevant.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Can Multi Level Marketers Work Successfully Together?

What do you think? Can Multi-Level-Marketers from different MLM companies find common ground to work together successfully? 

It is no wonder that MLM in recent years is being called Relationship Marketing . It is if anything a business about people and building relationships.

I ask the question because today I attended an online business conference and got some news about the future of our company that could bring some useful benefits to my business. Yes it was great news and yes it was only useful if I could spread it fast enough, and get others to see the benefits it would accrued them, if they got on board with the idea.

Immediately I started making a list of all the people who I could think of that this upcoming offer would benefit most. One of the persons among the first five that I thought about, was an acquaintance who is involved with another MLM company. We met about a year ago when I had a look at her MLM business opportunity.

We have both looked at each other's businesses and acknowledged that, if we were not already with our chosen MLM company we may have happily joined the others' business.

I called her and we had a great conversation, about the upcoming offer my company was having. I enquired whether she would take a look at it once it was rolled out and ready to go. She said yes and told me to send it to her as soon as it was available. 

We connected again later via Facebook and she was very encouraging sharing with me some inspiring tips and ideas about staying motivated and positive about my MLM business. She even shared some of the things that she would do daily to keep herself motivated and positive. Presently she is totally fired up, inspired and motivated. This of course is transferring into the success she is enjoying in her business right now.

I told this story to emphasise the fact that we as Multi-Level-Marketers can work together even if we market for different companies. Truthfully I believe deeply that we should be supportive of each other whenever possible, as we know first-hand what it entails to build an MLM business. 

I have never subscribed to the idea that we all have to be in bitter competition with each other, because we are involved with different companies. Considering that many of us market different products, I think, we should feel free to offer our product to persons in other companies, if we believe that it could be useful to them. 

We should also be supportive and encouraging to each other, whether we are on the same team or with the same company. I doubt that we lose anything by offering a kind word of encouragement, or by taking a look at a product, or even buying a product form someone from another company. 

On the other hand, if someone is not interested in our product at the said time, we should not be offended or feel discouraged. They may honestly have no use for the product at the moment.

Though I believe that we should try to be more tolerant of each other, even if we market for different MLM companies, I do not agree with trying to entice someone away form their MLM company onto our team. 

There are people who market for more than one company, and that's okay if they are capable of doing so successfully.  But encouraging someone away from their company to join ours, to me is unethical.

MLM is a growing and diverse industry, with more and more companies and products coming on board, as fast as they are thought of.  

We may well find that we have to do business among ourselves, more often than in the past. It is therefore imperative that we find that common ground, and begin learning how to work with each other for the greater good of the industry. 

We need to embrace the idea of Relationship Marketing fully into the MLM industry.

Don't Let Fear Kill Your Desire

Fear is a powerfully debilitating thing. It is therefore incumbent on each of us to guard against allowing it kill our dreams and desires.

I remember a few days ago, reading a post my sister wrote on Facebook, about fear being a motivator that could push us to achieving success. Yes, there is some truth to this, but if we are honest, we know, that fear is sometimes the thing, that take away our power and passion, keeps us paralyzed and stops us from taking the next step.

As some wise person once said, fear is "False Evidence Appearing Real" and in many ways it is. Why? Because many of our fears are based on our thought, as against being grounded in reality.

Therefore, how do we conquer our fears when it comes to building our MLM business? The only rational way I can think of, is by taking action or as some would say "take massive action".

How do we take massive action? Very good question. I think that for each of us, taking massive action will have many different meanings.  For instance, someone who has never picked up the phone and called a prospect, doing that might mean taking massive action. While for another person, making a list of prospects, would mean taking action. Still further, for someone else, just clicking a mere link, and attending an online conference or presentation, to learn more about their MLM business would amount to taking action.

Truthfully, taking action whether massive or otherwise, would depend on each individual and where he or she is, with regard to building their business, and how committed that individual is.

Statistics has shown that, those who throw fear aside, step 'outside themselves' and take massive action ,are the ones who are most likely to succeed, in the MLM industry or in any business for that matter. 

Take me as an example, I am writing this blog at almost midnight, after a bit of debate with myself ,whether to do it now or do it tomorrow, I decided to sit and get the words down immediately, as my thought were flowing. Once I got it written, I went to bed feeling a great sense of accomplishment. 

My determination and commitment to building my business won out, and cause me to act now. That for me is taking action. I have now committed myself to daily taking massive action for my MLM business. With consistent daily action, you develop a habit of spending quality time on you business every day.

To me, this is how we overcome our debilitating fears, those fears that keep us stagnated and prevents us from achieving our goals and desires.

In my experience, the way to conquer any fear, is to take action. Do the very thing that you most feel fearful of doing. Once you take consistent action, you will notice that your fear begins to dissolve. The more you continue to act the less your fear is. 

Eventually you come to realize that many of those fears were unnecessary,  especially when you begin to enjoy the results of doing the things you were putting off because of that fear.

Developing the courage to do what is necessary for you expansion, opens up new avenues for you to grow as an individual and create room for your MLM business to thrive.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hello Again MLM World

Whew! It has been a while, I know, but as they say, life gets in the way. Since my last post I have travelled to my home country, worked my boots off on our cocoa estate, gotten married and now am in the middle of preparing for the next cocoa season.

Yes if I never mentioned it before I live on an organic cocoa estate in the Caribbean, and life on a cocoa estate tends to get hectic/crazy during the height of the cocoa season which is between the months of November and June. Then it all goes quiet until the season starts again.

View from my front window

With this lull in the cocoa season I am looking forward to getting my blogging head on once again.

The MLM industry continues to grow by leaps and bounds in 2014, and many are positioning themselves to be part of this unrelenting wave. With dying economies and threats of economic collapse it is no wonder.

In my view the future still looks prosperous for anyone willing to take the time to commit to a
2 - 5 year plan of building a Multi Level Marketing business.

Just listen to what world renowned economist, author and speaker, Harry Dent had to say about the industry in a short interview with MLM coach Eric Worre.

With upfront investments of less then one thousand dollars people are changing their financial situation by investing in an MLM company of their choice.

If you are one of those persons considering a means of changing your financial future, then MLM could be a choice for you.

Whatever you choose to do the sooner you make that decision the sooner you would be making that pivotal change for you and your loved ones.