Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What is your MLM Mindset?

Mindset could be considered one of the major cornerstones, of building a successful MLM business.

The Free Dictionary defines mindset as:

1. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretation of situations.

2. An inclination or habit

Recently I decided to take on the challenge, of doing one video everyday, for one-hundred days. I have never before done public videos, therefore, have never uploaded videos to my YouTube channel, even though I have been a member there for many years.

As I progress into my fifth day of this challenge, I can feel a dramatic change taking place within me. I have so far made about 8 videos. Considering I have never made public videos before, I feel like this is quite an accomplishment. I took this challenge, for the express reason, of getting over my fear of being on camera.

Reading other blogs, I noticed some bloggers write about their own challenges. What they had to overcome to build their MLM business, to make the coveted breakthrough we all dream and aspire to.

One particular YouTube video I remembered, talked about "bloody knuckles" and it made me think yes, one can also get "bloody fingertips" in this business. Especially if you are determined to make a success of it.

The past few days I have come to realize and accept that to build an MLM business, it takes a particular mindset. Without that mindset it, is almost virtually impossible to achieve.

A focused attitude, is an elemental and necessary asset for achieving success in MLM.

I remember someone saying that, if you are able to stay in the same MLM business for four years, working your business consistently during that time, you are almost certain to achieve financial success.

What are some of  the challenges you experience building your MLM business? Please feel free to share in the comment section.

In this short video I talked a bit about focus, and why I think it is necessary to staying the course in your MLM business.

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